31 Hahn Loeser Attorneys Named to the 2017 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America®

Arthur L. Cobb, Rocco I. Debitetto, Daniel A. DeMarco, Christina D'Eramo Evans, Warren Goldenberg, Steven A. Goldfarb, Stanley R. Gorom III, Joan M. Gross, Stephen J. Knerly Jr., F. Ronald O'Keefe, Lawrence E. Oscar, Richard T. Prasse, Rob Remington, Dennis R. Rose, Craig Owen White, Christopher B. Wick, Thomas J. Riley, Theodore L. Tripp Jr., Jeffrey M. Folkman, Jeanne L. Seewald

31 Hahn Loeser Attorneys Named to the 2017 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America®.

The Best Lawyers in America is based on an annual peer-review survey. For the 2017 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America, 7.3 million votes were analyzed, which resulted in almost 55,000 leading lawyers being included in the new edition. Lawyers are not required or allowed to pay a fee to be listed; therefore inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America is considered a singular honor.

The following Hahn Loeser attorneys have been named to the 2017 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America:


Arthur L. CobbHealth Care Law; Real Estate Law
Rocco I. DebitettoBankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Daniel A. DeMarcoBankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law; Litigation – Bankruptcy
Christina D’Eramo EvansTrusts and Estates
Stephen H. GariepyClosely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law; Trusts and Estates
Arthur E. Gibbs IIILitigation – Trusts and Estates; Trusts and Estates
Warren GoldenbergCorporate Law; Venture Capital Law
Steven A. GoldfarbCommercial Litigation; Insurance Law; Litigation – Banking and Finance
Stanley R. Gorom IIIReal Estate Law
Joan M. GrossTrusts and Estates
Stephen J. Knerly, Jr.Art Law; Non-Profit / Charities Law
F. Ronald O’KeefeCorporate Law
Lawrence E. OscarBankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Richard T. PrasseEmployment Law – Management; Labor Law – Management
Rob RemingtonConstruction Law; Litigation – Construction
Dennis R. RoseCommercial Litigation; Litigation – Trusts and Estates
Craig Owen WhiteCorporate Compliance Law; Corporate Governance Law
Christopher B. WickBankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law


Thomas J. RileyBusiness Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships)


Theodore L. Tripp, Jr.Bet-the-Company Litigation; Commercial Litigation; Litigation – Real Estate; Litigation – Trusts and Estates


Jeffrey M. FolkmanEmployee Benefits (ERISA) Law; Tax Law
Jeanne L. SeewaldAdministrative / Regulatory Law; Copyright Law; Litigation – Intellectual Property; Mergers and Acquisitions Law; Trademark Law